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A World-Class Pressure Injury Registry

Welcome to the forefront of groundbreaking healthcare solutions at LiftOff2023. We take pride in establishing and maintaining a world-class Pressure Injury Registry, committed to advancing patient care on a global scale. Our primary objective is clear: reduce the incidence and severity of pressure injuries while enhancing clinical outcomes through meticulous data collection, analysis, and collaborative efforts. This registry serves as a dynamic platform, empowering healthcare professionals, researchers, and policymakers with valuable insights to drive evidence-based practices. Join us in our mission to prevent and improve the management of pressure injuries worldwide, shaping the future of healthcare through innovation and collaboration.

Data collected from 200+ sites
Advanced analytics and predicted models
Over 12 000 pressure wounds registered
Accurate data collected by our own wound care experts
An easy-to-use and accessible system 
Collaborations with other partners to ensure reliable, accurate data

Our Team

Revolutionizing Global Healthcare

Our registry is a beacon of excellence in wound care, offering a transformative approach to understanding, managing, and preventing pressure injuries. With a global scope encompassing diverse healthcare settings and populations, it opens new frontiers for research and collaboration, propelling advancements in pressure injury management. 

An easy-to-use and accessible system 
Collaborations with other partners to ensure reliable, accurate data

A complete, comprehensive overview of over 23 000 injuries

Examine the results of pressure injury treatments across more than 15 different treatment types

Includes all stages and final recorded stage of each injury

Preview of our Registry

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